Wednesday, March 26, 2008

All Muxed Up

Please to enjoy a "Muxtape" of my favorite instruments slow jams...

Sunday, March 23, 2008


A tribute to my favorite time signature.

Apologizing in advance for the unfortunate turn my songwriting has taken as of late. Feel like burying my guitars in the backyard and taking up photography or something.

P.S.--The beginning is an approximation of the first real song I ever learned. I think it was supposed to be "What'd I Say" by Ray Charles. Was taught to me in 1978 by a guy who looked like Santa Claus who used to drive to my house in a yellow Chevette and give me guitar lessons once a week. Wonder if he'd be impressed by my progress now?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Dream Song

Had a dream the other night that I was hanging out with Lionel Richie at a party in someone's apartment. All of a sudden, a fire broke out on the stairway, and we all had to leave quickly. As I passed Lionel, I saw him calmly sitting in a chair with a pad of paper in his hands. When I asked him what he was doing, he told me that he had just come up with a great idea for a song, and that he had to write it down before it got away from him.

Here is the song that was running through my head when I woke up the next morning:

In other news, CD saled have doubled since last week. Thanks for your support--means a lot to me.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

We Get Press!

Extensive info on my "new" side project can be found here.