Saturday, February 23, 2008

I Don't Wanna

Finished off the record with a tune I have been kicking around for years. Knocked this out really quickly after band practice today. Wanted to get the harmonica on something, although I must admit that this is one instrument I find totally baffling for the most part. Think a lot of people look at the harmonica as being one step up from the kazoo, but try as I might, I just can't get much to come out of it that makes any sense.

Made my first CD sale already to somebody I don't even know this morning! I feel like a rockstar today or something.

Have really enjoyed this creative period of my life, but I will probably take a break for a while. I'll try to keep this site updated as often as I can, and maybe try uploading some of my older stuff from the archives that I can stand to revisit..

-The Dandy Highwayman

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