Saturday, January 26, 2008

Nothing More

Another week, another song!

Have a songwriting strategy in place now that I am trying to stick to. First, I record a couple nice-sounding chord progressions into my nifty Olympus digital voice-recorder (the kind you use to record business meetings). I find this to be a big help, because if I happen to come up with a decent melody or a catchy guitar line when I am beginning to write, I always immediately forget it unless I get it recorded right away.

After that, I figure out the basic structure of the song, and then begin laying down rhythm loops and guitar tracks on the Tascam. At this point, I don't even know what the song is about, or how long the verses should be etc. Nevertheless, nailing down a structure early on seems to give me some sort of framework to hang the lyrics on, although sometimes I paint myself into a corner working this way.

The last thing that I figure out are the lyrics, and they are usually inspired by some of the nonsense lines that I sing just to remember the shape of the melody. If I happen to get hung up, I find it helps just to put the lyric sheet away for a while, and they seem to somehow work themselves out in my brain while I am busy doing laundry and other mundane tasks around the house.

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